מחפש פרילנסרים ב- Blockchain?

מאמרים בתחום Blockchain

Initiate your P2P crypto exchange business with Paxful clone script

Paxful is one of the popular P2P crypto exchanges that allow millions of users to trade directly and securely without any intermediate.

Blockchain: A Breakthrough in the World of IoT and AI

מאת: PixelCrayons
As per Markets and Markets, the Blockchain IoT market size will reach $2409 Million by 2026. It has a CAGR of 45.1%. On the other hand, the same agency says that the Blockchain AI market size will cross $703 million by 2025 with a CAGR of 25.1%.

Hiring Remote Blockchain Developers? Here are Some Crucial Tips

מאת: Aria Barnes
To hire the best blockchain developers you need to perform in-depth research. Find important parameters & skills to look for while hiring blockchain developers.

Gerard Peters: Smart Crypto Investments

מאת: Gerard Peters
Gerard Peters is the founder-CEO of QuantifAI Technologies. A specialist in designing algorithmic trading strategies in the decentralized crypto marketplace, QuantifAI has a set record pace of ROI.

Bitcoin 2021 Convention Miami June 4 - 5

מאת: Gerard Peters
The world’s largest cryptocurrency conference takes place in Miami, June 4 -5 at Wynwood’s Mana Convention Center. The event's keynote speakers include Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, crypto 'smart contract' proponent Nick Szabo, and a Who's Who of crypto gurus.


מאת: Computools
One of the most high-potential and popular blockchain technology nowadays is the smart contract.


מאת: Computools
Blockchain offers a variety of opportunities to different businesses and enterprises.
תוצאות 21 - 27
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